Sand is the company of H2o Just Add Water newspapers , and the company in charge of finding out secrets and info about new episodes of H2o. Well, I'd like that to be true. That would be awsome!!!!! I see no downside of this whatsoever. K, then, let's look again: I see what every other fan of H2o would want: an H2o Just Add Water (H2o JAW for short) newspaper.

I'll have to say, I can't just go on and open a company which sells this stuff, but I can make a virtual newspaper...
And also a newspaper, with a survey, moon report, and there are also polls, and other stuff like that. The polls and the other stuff like that won't be on the newsletter, instead they will be on a separate page (the newsletter is kinda a different website in whole) but there will always be a link back to the Site Map so that you can go to any page you want straight after.

Sand News

Mako Moon Newsletter

Swimming with the Mermaids

Polls and Quizes


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